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Short: Directory Opus 5: MWB Icons for Listers
Uploader: leo@hampschl.demon.co.uk (Leo Davidson)
Author: leo@hampschl.demon.co.uk (Leo Davidson)
DOpus5_Icons * A collection of icons for use Directory Opus 5 Lister Toolbars
For those who want their Opus5 to look a little more
interesting and exciting!
* Icons use the MagicWB palette.
* Includes screen grabs for those interested in what the new
and very different version of DOpus looks like.
* Information on ordering DOpus5 also included.
(I am in no way connected with GP software)
* I (Leo Davidson) claim virtually no credit for the icons:
they're really just a (good! IMHO) cut-n-paste job on icons
by other people. I hope that these people do not mind me
doing this to their images!
Compiled by Leo Davidson (P0T-NOoDLE / Gods'Gift/Anthrox)
-> "Nudel" on IRC - 'Hi' to all those who've taken the time to talk to me!
-> e-mail: leo@hampschl.demon.co.uk (Until July'95).
This is the AmiNet release of this collection of Icons.
This file was previously released as D5P0TICN.LZX:
D5P0TICN.LZX was spread around on a few BBS, but was rejected by
AmiNet due to the .LZX format being used (guess I didn't read the upload
rules well enough...). A little time past between the making of the .LZX
and .LHA (AmiNet) versions, during which I made some changes to the contents:
1) The icons themselves have not changed, so if you already have D5P0TICN.LZX,
there's little point in getting this.
2) For the record, the text file has changed and been updated a little
now that my registered version of DOpus5 has arrived. The example
pictures have changed as well (they're better now), and I removed the
picture of my (wonderful!) Workbench, as the new example picture is
quite large and I didn't want to create a monster archive.
-) That's about it really!...
Full Contents:
File_Id.DIZ Description for scene boards.
DOpus5_Icons.TXT Full information about the archive.
DOpus5_Icons_16.IFF 16 colour version of Icons.
DOpus5_Icons_8.IFF 8 colour version of Icons. (Std-MWB)
DOpus5_PIcon.readme Duplicate of AmiNet .readme file.
P0T_DOpus5_H.IFF Example picture: Hires-Laced
P0T_DOpus5_L.IFF Example picture: Lores-Laced
These docs are badly written, but I guess you don't need to know
THAT much about a set of icons - I'm just gibbering on about stuff...
Well, finally DOpus5 is here!! I've waited ages for this with mixed
feelings: I'd seen previews in magazines and wasn't sure if this new way of
doing things would work as well as the old style in DOpus4...
I've sent off my order for DOpus5 today: I hope you will too if you
use it! Yes, I was using a pirate copy: I didn't want to spend the money
before I knew if I was going to get something more like DiskMaster than
Opus (no disrespect to anyone with anything to do with DiskMaster, it's
just my preference). Now that I've used it, I know it's worth every penny!
(Update: My copy has arrived now, and I am not disapointed!)
Opus has always been the most configurable and powerfull, directory
program on the Amiga (hell, on anything I've seen! PC owners can dream of
EVER having a piece of software like this!), and with v5 it's attained a
new level of power. If you've used something like Browser, you'll know
how nice it can be to be able to have multiple listers instead of being
limited to just two -> now you can enjoy this along with the incredible
configurability of Opus! (...and all this power is very easy to control:
I have found the Config-GUI very intuitive, and I haven't even seen the
manuals YET!)
(This is turning into a review) I have to say that there are SOME
things missing from the old Opus4, but I can easily live without them, and
I expect there is a lot to be added with future updates... It looks like
there has been a lot of space left for additional features... As a word
to anyone using a pirate copy, I found a lot of extra features (some very
useful) from reading the manual, so buy this (it is the best program ever,
after all!)...
Errr, yes where was I!!.... Anyway, a lot of people (myself included)
had seen the preview screen-shots of DOpus5 and thought that it looked a
little ugly (perhaps "plain" says it better)...
Well, you remember how your workbench looked when you got it: stupid
badly drawn 4-colour icons, and when you installed MagicWB: _nice_ (at least,
more colourful, some people hate MWB)... Opus5 is the same: they didn't
include any fancy icons, but you can install them!!
So that's what this is: a collection of icons for the Lister Toolbars
in DOpus5... They're in the MagicWB style (which will probably make some of
you Isomefreaks sick!) and are mostly just cut-and-paste jobs on other
people's icons (all credit for the quality of images does not go to me!!).
I appologise for not crediting the original artists, but I collect icons
in IFF pictures and have never bothered writting down the names of who
drew them...
If you want to see how Dopus5 looks with these icons installed,
have a look at the example pictures (NOT the ones for cutting icons out
of)... One is in Hires-Laced (I've put this as the Windows backdrop on
the PC's at school so people can see just how shit Windows is every time
they minimize Program Mangler!), the other is Hires-NonLaced.
I decided not to break a standard and made all the icons the same size as
the default ".small" ones which come with opus... Hopefully everyone will
stick to this and we'll all be happy!...
While I myself use the horrible 640*256 (actually, 662*256) resolution
because I have to, those of you lucky enough to be able to use
proportional resolutions should be able to enjoy all but about 2 of the icons
without them looking stretched (consider it revenge for about 50% of them
looking stretched for me!! hehe)...
I'm not going to tell you how to get DOpus5 to use the icons in the IFF file
because I'm assuming that you know how or can look it up in your manual
(you'll obviously need a paint program to save out the icons as IFF brushes).
I felt it would be easier for you to view the icons and decide which ones
to use where if they were all together in one file - that is why I didn't
release them as lots of little brushes!! Sorry if this is annoying...
The 8 colour picture uses the standard magic-wb colours which most people
will probably want to use.... Personally, I don't like the way MWB uses
BLUE as the selected window colour (it DESTROYS the bass-relief). On my
system I use a 16 colour screen with the upper eight colours being the
standard MWB palette. The 16 colour picture is in my custom palette (as
are both the example pictures), and I decided to include it too.
(The icons are all the same (apart from two which use my extra colours),
whichever picture you take them from, but one set has been remapped to
the upper 8 colours, and the other has not!... Also, the 16 colour
version has borders and stuff aroud the icons, well you'll see what I
By the way, to get DOpus5 to use your own custom palette, you should
set the user-pens to the number you want (requires OS3), save the
environment, reload DOpus5 and THEN edit the palette, because otherwise
the user-pens may not always be allocated in the same order!
Well, enough!... Just use them! (Or get Dopus5 first, if you haven't
To order Directory Opus 5 (GP Software):
Small-Biz Software Phone: +61 (74) 919 190
PO Box 24 Fax: +61 (74) 926 860
Golden Beach
Wizard Developments Phone: +44 (01) 322 272908
PO BOX 490 Fax: +44 (01) 322 2811311
Kent DA1 2UH
Schatztruhe Phone: +49 201 788778
Veronikastr 33 Fax: +49 201 798447
45131 Essen
Micro R&D Phone: +1 308 745 1234
721 'O' Street Fax: +1 308 745 1246
Loup City
NE 68853
(Taken from the registration card - I hope this information is accurate)